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Junior Class (Y3 - Y6)

Welcome to our Junior Class!


We love working collaboratively together to support and challenge each other. Make sure you check our page regularly so you can see the fantastic learning we are doing in Key Stage 2. 


This term, we are focusing on the village of Eyam and the Great Plague as part of our study of the local area. We can't wait to go on a trip to the village to see the history for ourselves!


In Design Technology, we will be developing our construction skills. We are learning to measure, saw and cut with precision whilst creating our own Tudor houses.





As part of our Science Week, we had a visit from an ecologist who brought in her barn owls. This was such a special occasion for us to discuss the role of an ecologist and get a chance to hold a barn owl! Thank you for taking the time to visit us, Beverley!

Juniors really enjoyed having a visit from Kevin who is an engineer at AMRC (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre). We were lucky enough to get to see a range of engineering products including Boeing equipment and carbon fibre cloth. We are taking part in an engineering competition as part of our home learning which Kevin will be judging for us in a few weeks time. We are very grateful for Kevin coming in to see us today as it has definitely inspired us into careers in engineering!

We really enjoyed our residential in Castleton! You were all so well behaved and worked as a great team- well done, everyone!

In Art this half term, we have been inspired by Henri Rousseau. We created a Litton landscape and included living things from a range of habitats. We included the strong lines, bright colours and disproportionate sizes which are classic characteristics of Rousseau’s work. For this piece we used a range of mediums

We had lots of fun on a rare snow day at Litton!

Here are a few photographs from our talk with an archaeologist, Dom, who came to talk about his career and he even brought in some finds for us to study. Well done, Juniors, you asked some really interesting questions!

We had a great time visiting the National Space Centre linked to our science topic!

Lego club have been inspired by their Earth and Space topic from science! It was lovely to see so much enthusiasm about your learning- well done Lego Club!

This term we are learning about food and nutrition as part of our D&T lessons. Today, we researched where our supermarket produce comes from and mapped it on our world map.

Juniors are really proud of their 3D maps which were created using their typography and maps learning. Well done, everyone, you worked really hard on these!

We had a great time sharing all of our writing today. The Year 3 and 4 shared their diary writing whilst the Year 5 and 6 read their narratives. Well done, everyone, you have worked really hard on these pieces of work!

Our Lego Club creations this week!

We have started our Roman Mosaics project by studying real-life mosaics and then using this knowledge to create our own design.

This week we were very lucky to have a visit from local artist Jeff Perks. We loved getting the opportunity to look at some of his pieces of artwork before asking some questions. Jeff has invited us to create some clay sculptures which will feature in his Buxton art exhibition next year. We’re all looking forward to working with him again next week!

Here are our finished textile banners showcasing our passion for saving the planet. Well done, everyone, you have worked really hard sewing our individual banners which will be sewn together to create 4 large banners. We can’t wait to see these displayed in school, in Tideswell Church and at Tatton Park exhibition!

We have loved our STEM day as part of Science Week! We were lucky enough to have a visit from an engineer who told us all about an engineering project seeking to help carbon pollution in Humber! Also, we became engineers and designed and built our own bridges inspired by Brunel.

We are learning to code our Microbits during Coding Club!

Happy Snow Day!

Friday 10th March - Snowy Day Learning

Pictures to support R.E. learning for Y5/Y6 - Friday 10th March

We are very proud of our finished Viking Longships!

After spending time designing our Viking Longships, we have started constructing them this week. We have managed to collect lots of recyclable materials from home which is fantastic! I can’t wait to see how these turn out. Great work, Juniors!

We have been inspired by Esther Mahlangu and her vibrant geometric works based on traditional Ndebele design. After learning about Esther and her style, we created our own designs. Fantastic artwork, Juniors!

We have used watercolours and pens to create art work inspired by Tingatinga. Well done, Juniors, these look amazing!

As part of our new African art topic, we studied patterns found in nature. By using a range of mediums, we learnt that certain mediums worked better with different animal patterns. Chalk pastels were great for creating the cheetah spots, where as the art pencil crayons and felt tips were better for achieving the crisp stripes of the zebra. Great work, Juniors!

Here are our finished Tudor houses- we’re sure you will agree they are superb! We are so proud of how hard you all worked on them, the team work you demonstrated and the knowledge you have learnt. Well done, Juniors!

We have started the construction of our Tudor houses! Here are some photos showcasing our amazing teamwork, precise measuring and spectacular sawing.

We have just started our class book ‘The Royal Rabbits of London’ by Santa Montefiore and Simon Sebag Montefiore. We’re looking forward to reading all about Shylo Tawny-Tail’s adventures!

We do Buddy Reading to improve our fluency in reading.

Year 5 and 6 investigated the affect of air resistance on moving objects with different sized parachutes.

Here are some useful links to help support your learning:
