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School Council

Movie Night in School

Movie nights are very popular with all the children. 

Our Second School Disco

A visit from Sarah Dines MP.

Sarah Dines MP came to visit us in school to hand out prizes after all the children entered her Christmas Card competition in November. Daisy was one of the runner-up children whose picture was printed on the back of Sarah Dines' Christmas card.


We performed some poetry for Sarah and she spoke to the children about what it was like to be an MP. Afterwards, some of our Junior children gave Sarah a tour of the school and then she answered questions lead by the School Council. The School Council devised their questions as a group and enjoyed listing to the answers. The children had an informative morning and we found out some interesting facts about being a MP.

Christmas Fair


The School Council had a stall at the Christmas Fair selling ty-beanies and naming the teddy bear twins. They made £94 with their expert selling skills. Well done to the School Council.

Chocolate Treats Events for Fish!


The School Council were very busy making marshmallow and fruit kebab treat to raise money for a school pet. Thank you to Sarah Howe for helping and supplying us with some delicious goodies. It was a big success and we raised £117.


We are very happy to welcome our two new pet goldfish- Gerald and Geraldina. They are very happily living in their tank in the Junior classroom.

Welcome to our new School Council

Our next event...

We are planning to hold a Movie Night in school to watch the film 'Ratatouille' rated U. It will be held on Friday 19th May from 6.00pm - 8.15pm. Snack and drinks will be provided and it will cost £1.50. Pay at the door.

Our 1st Event was a Success!! A school disco took place on Friday 3rd February, we had a great time and lots of pizza, brownies and flapjacks. Yum! Here we are enjoying the YMCA with DJ Sarah and Mrs Hicks!

Welcome to our School Council

To be a successful School Council member, you will need to be:


  • Reliable
  • Proud of our school and want our school to be the best it can be
  • Listen carefully to the views of others and take their ideas on board
  • Represent the majority view of your class, even if you don’t agree!
  • Commit time to this role and accept that you may need to do things during break times and/or lunchtimes
  • Enthusiastic
  • Kind
  • Respectful
  • Patient
  • Trustworthy


The role of a School Council member:


  • Attend regular meetings with other School Council members.
  • Take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at School Council meetings
  • Bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken
  • Help to organise charity events throughout the year
  • Encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it.