Welcome back, everyone! I hope you had a fantastic Easter and you’re ready for a busy summer term. This term we have lots of fun things planned including our visit from local sculpture Jeff Perks and our end of year play!
Our history topic this term will be the Ancient Romans- I already know we are going to love learning all about them.
In English, our first poetry unit will focus on narrative poems including The Dragon Who Ate Our School by Nick Toczek. After this, we will be writing biographies about the famous Roman gladiator Spartacus.
Our book study for the first half term will be ‘Romans on the Rampage’ by Jeremy Strong. I wonder what adventures the Romans will get up to? I’m sure Jeremy Strong will make sure we are all laughing each time we read it!
In Maths this term, Year 3 will be learning more about fractions, money, time, shape and statistics. In Year 4, we will be learning more about decimals, money, time, shape, position and direction.
The first half of the summer term will focus on our light topic. We will get a chance to learn about light sources, reflective materials and shadows.
In art we will be working alongside local artist, Jeff Perks, creating clay sculptures for his upcoming art exhibition. Following this, we will be learning about Roman mosaics and using printing to create our own art piece.