Happy new year, everyone! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas with your family and are ready for a busy term ahead!
For the first half of Spring Term we will be reading the book ‘Charlie and The Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl.
I am really looking forward to us designing our own chocolate bar inspired by Willy Wonka and writing a persuasive advert enticing people to try it! What bar will you create? Will it help people? Or will you create a surprising taste to explode in your mouth?
Our Maths learning this term will start by us continuing to learn new methods for division and multiplication. I was really impressed by your times tables learning last term so I can’t wait to see you use this knowledge to solve some calculations. Year 3 will focus on 2 digits by 1 digit, whilst Year 4 will move on to solving 3 digit by 1 digit questions.
In science this first half term, Year 3 and 4 will be learning all about how sound is created with Miss Worthington. Towards the end of the first half of term, we will be using this knowledge in our English lessons to write a set of instructions.